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Adult Congenital Heart Disease Department /Specialist Clinics for women with congenital heart disease

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Adult Congenital Heart Disease Department / Specialist Clinics for women with congenital heart disease


MITERA Hospital is a tertiary center for the treatment of adult patients with congenital heart disease. In addition, we also care for women with congenital heart disease who are planning pregnancy or go through pregnancy and delivery.

Adult patients with Congenital Heart Disease may need to be submitted to specialist investigations in order to plan further management and treatment. These may consist of a cardiac MRI in our open magnet, a cardiopulmonary exercise test, a 24 hour rhythm recording and electrophysiology studies.

For women with congenital heart disease, holistic treatment for their baby and themselves is provided, during and after birth, with the opportunity to give birth in a safe environment with specialised cardiac care.

  • We collaborate with Obstetricians – Gynecologists with experience in Congenital Heart Disease. The mother gives birth in our specialised center at MITERA Hospital under the care of Cardiologists specialised in congenital heart diseases, who provide the perinatal care and necessary modification of her treatment.
  • The newborn with Congenital Heart Disease is checked out during fetal life and immediately after birth to exclude even conditions that are not easy to diagnose prenatally.



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