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Scientific Activity


  •  Hellenic Paediatric Cardiology Association, Greece Representative to the European
    Association of Paediatric Cardiology, AEPC (2022- )
  • President of the Working Group of Congenital Heart Disease, Valvulopathies and
    Pulmonary Hypertension of the Hellenic Cardiological Society (2020 – 2022)
  • President of the Scientific Board of the Charity Organisation “Coeur Pour Tous,
    Hellas” (2014-2019)
  •  Course Co-Director of the biannual Symposium in Paediatric Cardiology and
    Congenital Cardiac Surgery (2014 – to date), Athens
  • Organised and run a postgraduate course in Paediatric Cardiology for 10 young
    Paediatricians and Cardiologists that led to a postgraduate certification, Mitera
    Hospital, (2013-2014)
  • Regular Teacher at Postgraduate Medical Education courses of many University and
    NHS Hospitals in Greece


Activities at International Level (in the past 5 years)

1. Training Faculty for young Paediatric Cardiologists, Interventional Working Group of
the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (2014 -2019)
2. Regular teacher at the MRI workshop and the Euro CMR/SCMR (level 1) endorsed by
EACVI and SCMR and organised by Οnassis Cardiothoracic Centre
3. Journal Reviewer: Cardiology in the Young, Journal of the American College of
Cardiology – Cardiovascular Imaging, Archives of Disease in Childhood,
International Journal of Cardiology, Heart, Eurointervention



In the early phase of my career, my research interests focused on clinical applications of Interventional Paediatric Cardiology. After completion of specialist training my research interests focused on the development of new interventional treatments for congenital heart disease as well as the use of MRI imaging and hybrid X-Ray / MRI guided catheterisations. This materialised through a clinical training Fellowship in Interventional MRI that I was
awarded in 2007 by King’s College London Biomedical Research Centre / Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Trust. Our research work involved the development and pre-clinical assessment of a novel MR-compatible fiberglass guidewire, that led to the world first-in-man MRI guided congenital interventions trial. The animal experiments for the pre-clinical trial
were performed in mini-pigs and took place in Aachen, Germany and Aarhus, Denmark. I was actively involved in the percutaneous interventions in the swine and the MR-guided catheterisations in the animals.
The research led to my MD Thesis awarded in 2013.

My most recent research interests consist of research topics based on comparison of
echocardiographic and MRI methods for diagnosing and managing congenital heart disease.




(SCOPUS: Citations 804, H-index 14, Google Scholar: Citations 1148, H –index 18, i10
index 25)

  1. Boutsikou M, Tzifa A. Non-invasive imaging prior to percutaneous pulmonary valve implantation. Hellenic J Cardiol. 2022 Jul 18:S1109-9666(22)00092-6.
  2. Baroutidou A, Kartas A, Papazoglou AS, Kosmidis D, Moysidis DV, Otountzidis N, Doundoulakis I, Despotopoulos S, Vrana E, Koutsakis A, Rampidis GP, Ntiloudi D, Liori S, Avramidis D, Karagiannidis E, Nikolopoulos TT, Apostolopoulou S, Frogoudaki A, Tzifa A, Karvounis H, Giannakoulas G. Association of Health Status Metrics with Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Adult Congenital Heart Disease and Atrial Arrhythmias. J Clin Med. 2022 Oct 20;11(20):6181
  3. Kartas A, Papazoglou AS, Kosmidis D, Moysidis DV, Baroutidou A, Doundoulakis I, Despotopoulos S, Vrana E, Koutsakis A, Rampidis GP, Ntiloudi D, Liori S, Mousiama T, Avramidis D, Apostolopoulou S, Frogoudaki A,Tzifa A, Karvounis H, Giannakoulas G. The Adult Congenital Heart Disease Anatomic and Physiological Classification: Associations with Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Atrial Arrhythmias. Diagnostics, 2022, 12(2), 466
  4. Dimos Karangelis, Konstantinos S. Mylonas, Argyris Krommydas, Spiros Loggos, Vasiliki Androutsopoulou, Dimitrios Stakos, Dimitrios Mikroulis, Aphrodite Tzifa, Fotios Mitropoulos. Mitral Annular Disjunction: Pathophysiology, Pro-Arrhythmic Profile and Repair Pearls. Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine,2022, 23(4), 117
  5. Krassas A,Tzifa A, Boulia S, Iliadis K. Posture Dependent Hypoxia Following Lobectomy: The Achilles Tendon of the Lung Surgeon? Journal of Investigative Surgery, 2022, 35(1), pp. 180–185
  6. Karangelis, D, Tzifa A, Mylonas K, Gatzoulis M, Kavvouras Ch, Mitropoulos F. Aspergillus endocarditis of pulmonary homograft in a congenital heart disease patient. World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg, 2022 Jan;13(1):99-101
  7. Karangelis D, Androutsopoulou V,Tzifa A, Chalikias G, Tziakas D, Mitropoulos F, Mikroulis D. Minimally invasive cardiac surgery: In the pursuit to treat more and hurt less. Journal of Thoracic Disease, 2021, 13(11), pp. 6209–621
  8. Kalogeras K, Ntalekou K, Aggeli K, Moldovan C, Katsianos E, Kalantzis C, Bei E, Mourmouris C, Spargias K, Chrissoheris M, Dardas P, Aznaouridis K, Tzifa A, Theofilogiannakos E, Siasos G, Tousoulis D, Vavuranakis M. Transcatheter closure of paravalvular leak. Multicenter experience and follow-up. Hellenic Journal of Cardiology, 2021, 62(6), pp. 416–422
  1. Kalykakis GE, Antonopoulos AS, Pitsargiotis T, Siogkas P, Exarchos T, Kafouris P, Sakelarios A, Liga R,Tzifa A, Giannopoulos A, Scholte AJHA, Kaufmann PA, Parodi O, Knuuti J, Fotiadis DI, Neglia D, Anagnostopoulos CD. Relationship of endothelial shear stress with plaque features with coronary CT angiography and vasodilating capability with PET. Radiology, 2021, 300(3), pp. 549–556
  2. Karangelis D, Loggos S,Tzifa A, Mitropoulos F. Evaluation of three different techniques for the closure of ventricular septal defects. Journal of Investigative Surgery, 2021, 34(4), pp. 473–476
  3. Karangelis D, Mylonas KS, Loggos S, Adreanides E, Tzifa A, Mitropoulos F. Surgical repair of anomalous aortic origin of coronary artery in adults. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann. 2021 Jan;29(1):51-58.
  4. Mylonas KS, Repanas T, Athanasiadis DI, Voulgaridou A, Sfyridis PG, Bakoyiannis C, Kapelouzou A, Avgerinos DV, Tzifa A, Kalangos A. Permanent pacemaker implantation in pediatric heart transplant recipients: A systematic review and evidence quality assessment. Pediatr Transplant. 2020 May;24(3):e13698
  5. Karangelis D, Avramidis D, Mousiama T, Karamitsos TD, Mitropoulos F, Tzifa A. Levoatriocardinal vein: a rarely recognized cause of recurrent cardiac and cerebral thromboembolic events. Can J Cardiol. 2020 Apr;36(4):589.e9-589.e11
  6. Kartas A, Doundoulakis I, Ntiloudi D, Koutsakis A, Kosmidis D, Rampidis G, Apostolopoulou S, Frogoudaki A, Tzifa A, Avramidis D, Ntzoyvara O, Liori S, Mousiama T, Mouratoglou SA, Karvounis H, Giannakoulas G. Rationale and design of a prospective, observational, multicentre study on the safety and efficacy of apixaban for the prevention of thromboembolism in adults with congenital heart disease and atrial arrhythmias: the PROTECT-AR study. BMJ Open. 2020 Sep 22;10(9):e038012.
  7. Mylonas KS, Ziogas IA, Mylona CS, Avgerinos DV, Bakoyiannis C, Mitropoulos F, Tzifa A. Rapid right ventricular pacing for balloon valvuloplasty in congenital aortic stenosis: A systematic review. World J Cardiol. 2020 Nov 26;12(11):540-549.
  8. Tzifa A, Polymerou I, Loggitsi D. Solely MRI-Guided Cardiac Catheterization for Assessment of Pulmonary Hypertension in a Pregnant Lady with Undiagnosed Congenital Heart Disease. Case Rep Cardiol. 2020 May 26;2020:3072869. 
  9. Mylonas KS, Ziogas IA, Evangeliou A, Hemmati P, Schizas D, Sfyridis PG, Economopoulos KP, Bakoyiannis C, Kapelouzou A, Tzifa A, Avgerinos DV. Minimally invasive surgery vs device closure for atrial septal defects: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Pediatr Cardiol. 2020 Mar 11. doi: 10.1007/s00246-020-02341-y
  10. Karangelis D, Loggos S, Tzifa A, Mitropoulos FA. The aberrant subclavian artery: approach to management. Curr Opin Cardiol. 2020 Nov;35(6):636-642.
  11. Ntiloudi D, Dimopoulos K, Tzifa A, Karvounis H, Giannakoulas G. Hospitalizations in adult patients with congenital heart disease: an emerging challenge. Heart Fail Rev. 2020 Sep 10. doi: 10.1007/s10741-020-10026-0.
  12. Tzifa A, Polymerou I, Loggitsi D. Solely MRI-Guided Cardiac Catheterization for Assessment of Pulmonary Hypertension in a Pregnant Lady With Undiagnosed Congenital Heart Disease. Case Rep Cardiol. 2020 May 26;2020:3072869. 
  13. Polymerou I, Mantagou L, Davlouros P, Tzifa A. Is Anomalous Right Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery Always Innocent? Eur Heart J. 2020  Nov 7;41(42):4147.
  14. Tzifa A, Mylonas KS, Halapas A. Recurrent coarctation in Williams syndrome: novel approach of drug-eluting stent implantation.Cardiol Young. 2020 Feb 30:294-297.
  15. Chrysohoou C, Aggeli C, Avgeropoulou K, Aroni M, Bonou M, Boutsikou M, Brili S, Chamodraka E, Dagre A, Flevari P, Fountoulaki A, Frogoudaki A, Gkouziouta A, Grapsa J, Hatzinikolaou-Kotsakou E, Kalantzi K, Kitsiou A, Kostakou P, Kourea R, Koutrolou-Sotiropoulou P, Marketou M, Mavrogeni S, Naka KK, Nikolaou M, Papazachou O, Papavasileiou LP, Simeonidou E, Theopistou A, Triantafyllidi H, Trikka C, Tsekoura D, Tzifa A, Vaina S, Vrettou AR, Zaglavara T, Kolovou G, Aggelopoulou E, Antoniou A, Bistola V, Bilianou E, Boufidou Α, Demerouti E, Giannakopoulou V, Karvouni E, Komnou A, Kyriakou P, Limperi S, Mavrogianni A, Michalopoulou H, Nakou E, Nyhtari E, Papavasiliou M, Pietri P, Petropoulou E, Prappa E, Riga M, Sbarouni E, Stavrati A. Cardiovascular Disease in Women: Executive Summary of the Expert Panel Statement of Women in Cardiology of the Hellenic Cardiological Society. Hellenic J Cardiol. 2020 Oct 9:S1109-9666(20)30215-3.
  16. Mylonas KS, Kavvouras C, Karouli P, Avramidis D, Papagiannis I, Anderson D, Mitropoulos F, Tzifa A. Rapid right ventricular pacing for balloon aortic Valvuloplasty: expanding its routine use in neonates and infants. Cardiol Young, 2020 Dec 30(12): 1980-1985.
  17. Karangelis D, Mazer CD, Stakos D, Tzifa A, Loggos S, Verma S, Mitropoulos F. Cardio-protective effects of sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors: focus on heart failure.  Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2021, 27(8), pp. 1051–1060
  1. Mylonas KS, Tzifa A. Modified septostomy in D-transposition of great arteries with aneurysmal and intact atrial septum. World Journal Paediatric Cardiac Surgery. World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg. 2019 Nov;10(6):789-790
  2. Karatza A, Mylonas KS, Tzifa A. Left ventricular non-compaction in a child with bicuspid aortic valve and aortic coarctation. Cardiol in the Young 2019;29(9):1208-1210
  3. Krassas A, Tzifa A, Mallios D, Iliadis K. Platypneoa-Orthodeoxia syndrome after pulmonary lobectomy: a rare entity with a difficult diagnosis. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2019. Jul 6
  4. Polymerou Y, Ojala T, Bonou P, Martelius L, Tzifa A. Successful treatment of cardiac haemangiomas with propranolol: A case series of two patients. Eur Heart Journal Case Reports. 2019, 1;3(2)
  5. Tzifa A, Avramidis D, Patris K. Coronary artery thrombosis in a neonate with critical aortic stenosis. Journal of Invasive Cardiology, 2019;31:Ε91-92
  1. Mc Elhinney D, Aboulhosn, Dvir D, Whisenant B, Eicken A, Ribichini F, Tzifa A, Hainstock MR, Martin M, Kornowski R, Schubert S, Latib A, Thomson J, Torres A, Meadows J, Delaney J, Guerrero M, Salizzoni S, El-Said H, Finkelstein A, George I, Gewillig M, Alvarez-Fuente M, Lamers L, Cheema A, Kreutzer J, Rudolph T, Hildick-Smith D, Cabalka A. Mid-term valve-related outcomes after transcatheter tricuspid valve-in-valve or valve-in-ring replacement. JACC 2019;73:148-157
  2. Ntiloudi D, Apostolopoulou S, Vasiliadis k, Frogoudaki A, Tzifa A, Ntellos Ch, Brilli S, Manginas A, Pitsis A, Kolios M, Karvounis H, Tsioufis K, Goudevenos J, Rammos S, Giannakoulas G. Hospitalisations for heart failure predict mortality in pulmonary hypertension related to congenital heart disease. Heart 2018
  3. Taggart NW, Cabalka AK, Eicken A, Aboulhosn JA, Thomson JDR, Whisenant B, Bocks ML, Schubert S, Jones TK, Asnes JD, Fagan TE, Meadows J, Hoyer M, Martin MH, Ing FF, Turner DR, Latib A,Tzifa A, Windecker S, Goldstein BH, Delaney JW, Kuo JA, Foerster S, Gillespie M, Butera G, Shahanavaz S, Horlick E, Boudjemline Y, Dvir D, McElhinney DB; VIVID Registry. Outcomes of transcatheter tricuspid valve-in-valve implantation in patients with Ebstein anomaly. Am J Cardiol 2018;121(2):262-268
  4. Giannakoulas G, Vasiliadis K, Frogoudaki A, Ntellos C,Tzifa A, Brili S, Manginas A, Papaphylactou M, Parcharidou D, Kampouridis N, Pitsis A, Chamaidi A, Kolios M, Papadopoulos G, Douras A, Davlouros P, Ntiloudi D, Karvounis H, Kalangos A, Tsioufis C, Rammos S; CHALLENGE investigators. Adult Congenital Heart Disease in Greece: Preliminary data from the CHALLENGE registry. Int J Cardiol 2017;245:109-113
  5. Chrysohoou C, Katsi V, Trikalinos N,Tzifa A, Alexopoulos N, Brili S, Nihoyiannopoulos P, Tousoulis D. A case of aortic coarctation, bicuspid aortic valve and aortic sinus aneurysm in an adult with moderate hypertension. Hellenic J Cardiol. 2017;58:69-71
  6. Mitropoulos F, Kanakis MA, Chatzis A, Kiaffas M, Azariades P, Tzifa A. Aorto-right ventricular tunnel: An uncommon problem with a common solution. Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2016;49:295-7  
  1. Pushparajah K, Wong JK, Bellsham-Revell HR, Hussain T, Valverde I, Bell A, Tzifa A, Greil G, Simpson JM, Kut S, Razavi R. Magnetic Resonance Imaging catheter stress haemodynamics post-Fontan in hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2016;17:644-51 
  2. Pushparajah K, Tzifa A, Bell A, Wong JK, Hussain T, Valverde I, Bellsham-Revell HR, Greil G, Simpson JM, Schaeffter T, Razavi R. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance catheterization derived pulmonary vascular resistance and medium-term outcomes in congenital heart disease. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 2015;17:28
  3. Tzifa A, Momenah T, Al Sahari A, Al Khalaf K, Papagiannis J, Qureshi SA. Transcatheter valve-in-valve implantation in the tricuspid position. EuroIntervention. 2014 Dec;10(8):995-9. doi: 10.4244/EIJV10I8A168.  
  4. Spargias K, Tzifa A, Chrissoheris M, Boumpoulis N, Nikolaou I, Pattakos E. Transapical closure of mitral prosthetic paravalvular leak. Hellenic J Cardiol. 2013 Sep-Oct;54(5):397-40  
  5. Tzifa A, Papagiannis J, Qureshi SA. Iatrogenic aortopulmonary window after balloon dilation of left pulmonary artery stenosis following arterial switch operation. Journal of Invasive Cardiology. 2013 Sep;25(9):E188-90  
  6. Tzifa A, Komnou A, Loggitsi D. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in a premature baby with interrupted aortic arch and aortopulmonary window. Cardiol Young. 2012 Nov 9:1-4  
  7. Tzifa A, Schaeffter T, Razavi R. MR-imaging guided cardiovascular interventions in young children. Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am. 2012 Feb;20(1):117-28  
  8. Tzifa A, Rosenthal E, Beerbaum P, Qureshi SA. Prolonging the life of a Blalock Taussig shunt. Cardiol Young 2011; 15:1-4.   
  9. Valverde I, Parish V, Tzifa A, Head C, Sarikouch S, Greil G, Schaeffter T, Razavi R, Beerbaum P.  Cardiovascular MR dobutamine stress in adult tetralogy of Fallot: disparity between CMR volumetry and flow for cardiovascular function. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2011 ;33:1341-50  
  10. Motwani MS, Rafiei Y, Tzifa A, Seifalian AM. In-situ endothelialization of intravascular stents from progenitor stem cells coated with nanocomposites and functionalized biomolecules. Biotechnol Appl Biochem. 2011;58:213  
  11. Tzifa A, Ahmed I, Rosenthal E. Transhepatic portal vein access for balloon dilation of right upper pulmonary vein stenosis following infra-diaphragmatic TAPVD repair. Catheter Cardiovascular interventions, 2011, Μar 16  
  12. Tzifa A, Krombach GA, Krämer N, Krüger S, Schütte A, von Walter M, Schaeffter T, Qureshi S, Krasemann T,  Rosenthal E, Schwartz CA, Varma G, Buhl A, Kohlmeier A, Bücker A, Günther RW, Razavi R. MR-Guided Cardiac Interventions Using MR-Safe Passive Devices: A Preclinical Study And First- In -Man Congenital Interventions. Circulation Cardiovasc Interventions, 2010;3:585-592
  13. Krasemann T, Tzifa A, Rosenthal E, Qureshi SA. Stenting of modified and classical Blalock-Taussig shunts: lessons learned from seven consecutive cases. Cardiol Young. 2011;21:430-5. 
  14. Valverde I, Rosenthal E, Tzifa A, Desai P, Bell A, Pushparajah K, Qureshi S, Beerbaum P, Simpson J.  Singleton-Merten syndrome and impaired cardiac function. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2010 Nov 16;56(21):176  
  15. Tay EL, Peset A, Papaphylactou M, Inuzuka R, Alonso-Gonzalez R, Giannakoulas G, Tzifa A, Goletto S, Brobe C, Dimopoulos K, Gatzoulis MA. Replacement therapy for iron deficiency improves exercise capacity and quality of life in patients with cyanotic congenital heart disease and/or the Eisenmenger syndrome. Int J Cardiol. 2011;151(3):307-12
  16. Tzifa A, Razavi R. Test occlusion of Fontan fenestration: unique contribution of interventional MRI. Heart. 2011;97:89
  1. Krasemann T, Barlow A, Vigneswaran T, Tzifa A, Austin C, Greil G. 3D-MRI enables accurate preoperative diagnosis of extremely unusual great vessels in a neonate with complex congenital heart disease. Arch Dis Child. 2010;95:255


  1. Tzifa A, Zidere V, Greil G, Austin C, Krasemann T. Intralimbic hematoma formation with an atrial septal aneurysm in a neonate with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Am J Perinatol. 2010 Jun;27(6):481-3


  1. Tzifa A, Gordon J, Tibby S, Qureshi SA. Comparison of balloon sizing and the use of colour flow diameter in patients with atrial septal defects undergoing transcatheter closure. Int J Cardiol. 2011;149(3):299-303
  2. Tzifa A, Gauvreau K, Robert Geggel. Factors associated with development of atrial septal restriction in patients with tricuspid atresia involving the right-sided atrioventricular valve. Am Heart J. 2007;154:1235-41  
  3. Anagnostopoulos-Tzifa A. Management of aortic coarctation in adults: endovascular versus surgical therapy. Hellenic J Cardiol. 2007 ;48:290-5  
  4. Tzifa A, Barker C, Tibby SM, Simpson JM. Prenatal diagnosis of pulmonary atresia: impact on clinical presentation and early outcome. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2007;92(3):F199-203.  
  5. Tzifa A, Audrey Marshall, Doff McElhinney, James Lock, Robert Geggel. Endovascular Treatment For Superior Vna Cava Occlusion or Obstruction in a Pediatric and Young Adult Population: A 22-Year Experience. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2007;49(9):1003-9.    
  6. Tzifa A, Ewert P, Brzezinska-Rajszys G, Peters B, Zubrzycka M, Rosenthal E, Berger F, Qureshi SA. Covered Cheatham –Platinum stents for aortic coarctation: Early and intermediate term results. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2006; 47:1457-63.   
  7. Tzifa A, Robards M, Simpson JM. Plastic bronchitis; a serious complication of the Fontan operation. Int J Card 2005; 101:513-4  
  8. Tzifa A, Tulloh RM, Rosenthal E. Spontaneous spasm of the arterial duct; a pitfall for transcatheter occlusion. Heart 2005 Jan;91(1):31  
  9. Tzifa A, Joashi U, Slavic Z. Recombinant t-PA in Myocardial Ischemia After Switch Operation. Pediatric Cardiology 2004;25:417-420     
  10. Tzifa A, Tulloh RMR. Coronary arterial complications before and after the arterial switch operation. Is the future clear? Cardiol Young 2002; 12:164-171  




  1. Polymerou I, Tzifa A. Pulmonary hypertension, HSC
  2. A Melody for the elderly. Tzifa A, Avramidis D, Patris K, Loggitsi D. Congenital Cardiology Today. 2019
  3. Paravalvular leak closure: work-up, techniques and results. Halapas A, Chrissoheris M, Tzifa A, Bouboulis N, Nicolaou J, Spargias K. Continuing Cardiology Education 2018 (1), 47-51
  4. Cardiac MRI catheterization: a 10-year single institution experience and review. K Pushparajah, A Tzifa, R Razavi. Interventional Cardiology 2014;6(3), 335
  5. Atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia in a patient with superior-inferior ventricles and dextrocardia treated with cryoablation. Papagiannis J, Avramidis D, Tzifa A, Frogoudaki A. Hospital Chronicles 2012;7:241-244
  6. Transapical access mitral valve paravalvular leak closure. Spargias K, Tzifa A, Chrysoheris M, Mpoumpoulis N, Nikolaou I, Pattakos S. Hellenic Journal of Cardiology 2012;53:234-237   
  7. Tzifa A, Qureshi SA. Respiratory failure after intrathoracic surgery. Congenital Cardiology today, April 2005 pg.15-20




  1. Tzifa A, Gatzoulis M, Mitropoulos F, Mavroudis C, Editors: “Paediatric Cardiology and Adult Congenital Heart Disease”, (in Greek). Hellenic Cardiology Society, 2022
  2. Tzifa A. Adult Congenital Heart Disease (in Greek). Editors: Kranidis et al, 2020
  3. Tzifa A, Kavvouras CH. Adult tools relevant for congenital heart disease. Cardiac Catheterization for congenital heart disease: From fetal life to adulthood. Eds: G Butera, A Eicken, M Chessa, J Thomson. 2020, Springer-Verlag, New York, In print
  4. Tan JL, Loong CY, Anagnostopoulos-Tzifa A, Kilner PJ, Gatzoulis MA. Myocardial ischaemia in Congenital Heart Disease – The role of non-invasive imaging. Non Invasive Imaging in Myocardial Ischaemia, Eds: C. Anagnostopoulos, J Bax, P Nihoyannopoulos, E van der Wall. 2006, Springer-Verlag, New York



Reviewer Editor: Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, Congenital Heart Disease Section


Regular Reviewer:
Cardiology in the Young
Journal of the American College of Cardiology – Cardiovascular Imaging
International Journal of Cardiology
Catheterisation Cardiovascular Interventions




  1. Successes and Failures in the Cath Lab, AEPC, Geneva 2022
  2. Training in Interventional Cardiology, Juniors meet Seniors, AEPC, Geneva 2022
  3. Heart Failure in Pediatric Cardiology and Adult Congenital Disease, October 14 -15, 2022, “Onassis Stegi” Athens, Greece
  4. MRI for CHD when Echo is limited. ATHENS CMR LEVEL I. Greek College of Clinical Applications of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance “CARDIOTOMI”, First Cardiology Clinic, University of Athens. Athens, October 2021
  5. MRI angiography: Serbia Diaspora Conference, June 2019, Belgrade
  6. LVOT stenosis and coarctation. 53rd Annual Meeting of the AEPC. Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology. Seville, May 2019
  7. Catheter based interventional procedures. 52nd Annual Meeting of the AEPC. Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology. Athens, May 2018
  8. CMR and catheterization in congenital heart disease. 3rd International Congress on Cardiovascular Imaging in clinical practice. Working Group of Echocardiography and non-Invasive Techniques, Hellenic Cardiological Society, Athens, May 2018
  9. Recent Changes in Paediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery in Greece. 12th Global Forum on Humanitarian Medicine in Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, April 2018, Athens
  10. Hypoplastic left and right ventricles. 8th IAN MCDONALD Advanced course of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology Fetal Diagnosis & Therapy. Αthens, December 2017
  11. The influence of cardiac imaging on hybrid vs open surgical approach, Koc University 1st MRI symposium. Istanbul, October 2017
  12. Interventional MRI and its applications in clinical practice. Koc University 1st MRI symposium. Istanbul, October 2017
  13. How to evaluate closure defects. 2nd International Congress on cardiovascular Imaging in Clinical Practice. Working Groups of Echocardiography and Cardiac Imaging Techniques of the Hellenic Cardiological Society, Athens, May 2017
  14. MRI Assessment of Complex Congenital Heart Diseases. 2nd International Meeting “Reconstructive Heart Surgery”. Kyiv, Ukraine, November 2017
  15. Fetal Cardiac Interventions. 13th World Congress of Perinatal Medicine. Belgrade, October 2017
  16. Coarctation interventions in the cath lab and MRI lab. Annual Meeting of the AEPC, Rome, June 2016.
  17. Interventional MRI. 7th Serbian Diaspora Medical Conference., Belgrade, May 2016.
  18. Fetal cardiac interventions: Ιndications, procedural technique and long-term follow-up. 2nd Eurasian Joint Forum on Paediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Athens, April 2016.



– Congenital Cardiac catheterization in children and adults
– Cardiac MRI
– MRI-guided cardiac catheterisations and interventions
– Echocardiography (2D, 3D, Transoesophageal, Epicardial)
– Postoperative management of neonates, children and adults
– Fetal cardiac interventions
– Paediatric arrhythmias
– Cardiomyopathies

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