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Echocardiography is the primary way to diagnose congenital heart disease, from fetal to adult life. It does not involve radiation and can be repeated as many times as needed. An echocardiogram can be transthoracic (in Greece transthoracic Echo is called cardiac Triplex), transesophageal or 3D. Cardiac anatomy and function are assessed, whilst a suspicion of cardiac arrhythmia (such as atrial flutter or fibrillation, ventricular ectopic beats etc.) may arise during echocardiography. On occasions, when imaging of the heart structures cannot be performed with the routine echocardiographic methods, (such as in cases of pulmonary artery stenosis or in complex congenital heart disease) a cardiac MRI is suggested next.

Atrial septal defect
Creation of an atrial septal defect
Hypoplastic left ventricle in fetal life
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