LPA occlusion: recanalisation post Fallot repair with Contegra conduit. HYBRID APPROACH
Rare and Innovative Interventions
Our team performs rare and innovative interventions that require a “Heart Team” approach.
The “Heart Team” consists of Cardiologists and Surgeons with different expertise, who work together in difficult cases, to provide the lowest possible morbidity and mortality in each case.
Some of our rare and innovative interventions:
- Hybrid recanalisation of occluded pulmonary arteries.
- Stent implantation in ducts to avoid a Blalock Taussig shunt
- Cardiac valve implantation without open heart surgery
- MR-guided catheterisations: Six-year-old has world first heart operation
- Transcatheter interventions in very low birth weight neonates
- Transcatheter perforation of atretic pulmonary valves
- Stent implantation of the atrial septum